Final 2019 FJP Community Network Grant application is now open. Apply here.


The mission of the Facebook Journalism Project (FJP) Community Network is to support and connect people and organizations that are building community through local news.


The FJP Community Network offers grants ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 as well as opportunities to connect with industry experts. Whether a person or publisher is trying to build a new business around memberships, report in an underserved community, or build a tool that helps local storytellers find and engage news audiences, we want to provide runway for them to serve their community. Project proposals do not require the use of Facebook tools or products.

We are partnering with The Lenfest Institute for Journalism, which will provide grant review and grantmaking support. Applications will be accepted three times in 2019 (May, July, October). Grant recipients have six months from the time of the award to complete their project and report back results.

Timeline for October Application

10/15: Application Opens Apply now here.
11/6:  Application Closes
January 2020:  Winners Announced 


  • Grants may be requested by for-profit and nonprofit organizations in the United States
  • Grants may be requested by individuals working for nonprofit or a for-profit organization in the United States
  • Project proposals do not require the use of Facebook’s tools or platform
  • Applicants agree that if they are awarded a grant, Lenfest and Facebook can use data and information provided in the initial application and subsequent reporting form to share learnings with other local news organizations
  • Grant applications must be submitted through the Lenfest Institute website during the open call periods
  • Individuals and organizations can receive multiple grants in 2019, but priority will be given to applicants who have not previously received funding from the FJP Community Network
  • Grant recipients will answer the following questions upon completion of their project:
    • How would you do this project again? What changes would you make?
    • As a result of this project, how many additional members of your community did you reach? Who were they and how many of them became engaged supporters?
    • How did this project impact your sustainability?
    • What did you learn from this project that can help others working in local news?

Selecting Projects

A selection committee composed of a multidisciplinary group of news practitioners and employees from The Lenfest Institute for Journalism and Facebook will review projects against the following criteria:

  • Builds Community
  • Improves Publisher Sustainability
  • Covers Underserved Communities and/or News Deserts
  • Clearly Defines Success

A list of committee members can be found here.

Stay Connected

If you have questions about the program, please email [email protected] with “FJP Community Network Question” in the subject line. For updates about the FJP Community Network and news from the Facebook Journalism Project, please sign up for our newsletter.

Facebook Journalism Project Community Network Grant Program: Submission deadline: November 6, 2019 at 11:59:59 pm ET. Subject to Terms and Conditions. See terms for full eligibility criteria, selection criteria and grant restrictions.

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