Dominique DeMoe joined the Philadelphia Inquirer as a Lenfest Fellow in the fall of 2019. At the Inquirer, she creates compelling visualizations and infographics to tell stories using data as a Graphic Artist. She is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame where she studied Design and Computer Science and a former Graphics Editor for Notre Dame’s student run daily newspaper, The Observer.

As part of the Inquirer’s goal to create an anti-racist culture, she is a member of its Newsroom Culture working group and a moderator for its “Content Consult” slack channel, which helps to provide feedback on sensitive subject matter, as well as an active member of several employee resource groups. Dominique believes the best way to drive change is through participation and involvement and is excited to be able to use her voice to help drive necessary positive change in the community.

In her downtime, she enjoys reading, trying new things and staying active with yoga and hiking.

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