This program helps newsrooms with existing membership programs expand and further develop their membership offerings. Membership 201 will build on key concepts covered in Membership 101, which was offered last fall.

Membership 201 is designed for individuals or for teams of 2-4 people per organization. 

In order to facilitate an interactive learning experience, this course will be limited to participants from 20-25 organizations. 

The course will be led by RevLab at The Texas Tribune, in coordination with Ariel Zirulnick of the Membership Puzzle Project, and will feature guest speakers on the cutting edge of membership globally. 

The course met weekly from Thursday March 25, 2021 to Thursday April 22, 2021 at 1pm EDT. The course will meet weekly for 60-90 minute sessions.

The five-week program will cover the following topics:

  • Adopting a product mindset and implementing test-and-learn strategies to optimize your membership offerings and processes 
  • How to staff a cross-functional membership team
  • Making the business case for membership
  • Developing and assessing key membership metrics
  • Marketing and growing a membership program
  • Strategies for member retention and deepening relationships with members

RevLab is a grant-funded resource center that helps publishers expand revenue-generating capabilities. RevLab is based within The Texas Tribune and funded in part by the Facebook Journalism Project.  

You can access resources and recorded sessions from Membership 201 here. You can catch up on recordings of Membership 101 sessions from Fall 2020 here.

Please email Lenfest Institute Communication & Editorial Director Joseph Lichterman with any other questions or concerns.

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